How to Remove Oil Stain From Interlock

It’s hot, dry weather outside. All signs point to the fact that it is the middle of summer. It’s time to enjoy the sun, sunbathe and swim. The mood is carefree, and it seems like nothing can disrupt this idyll. 

But suddenly, you notice a few oil stains in the front yard. Summer days no longer bring so much joy because all thoughts are about one thing – how to remove oil stain from interlock. All plans are falling apart. 

Now, how do you invite your friends over to swim in your new vinyl pool? What will the neighbours think? Where to get money to clean the yard if you have planned to spend it on sodding? It is urgent to solve this problem yourself.

Farewell to Annoying Oil Stains

You only want to think about the pleasant things: planting flowers in the garden and sitting on the backyard patio. But the stain on the front yard won’t leave your mind. Something needs to be done about it.

Avanti Landscaping is a firm that has been professionally landscaping for many years. We have many satisfied clients, so we hope that our advice is worth listening to.

If you have found a gas or oil stain on your pavers, here’s what you can do:

  • Take dishwashing detergent and a stiff shoe brush;
  • Pour the detergent on the affected area and rub;
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes;
  • Rinse thoroughly with water;

You can use white vinegar instead of soap. Mix it with water in a ratio of 1:1, apply it to the surface, wait an hour, and wash it off. You can also try a brush and a special stain remover for pavers. The process is the same.

All these methods have proven to be effective and give good results. But there are other interesting ways of how to remove oil stain from interlock that deserve attention. They are at least inventive.

Unusual ways

Found on the World Wide Web, these methods have gotten a lot of positive feedback. However, we do not recommend using them, but if you decide to do so, all responsibility will be on you.

  1. To get the stain out, try pouring kitty sand over the fresh stains and leaving it for 24 hours. Yes, yes, the one from the kitty litter box; 
  2. Mix water and bleach in a 10 to 1 ratio and apply to the stain. After 15 minutes, scrub it with a nylon brush and let it dry; 
  3. Boil corn on the cob in water with oil and pour it on the paving stones. Wait 30 minutes and wipe it off. 

These methods may help or may make it worse. We’ve warned you.

Can’t Remove The Stain

If you were unable to remove the stain, do not despair. There is another way that will help you save the day, so you can rest easy on a sunny day, knowing that you can invite guests without worries. One of the main features of paving tiles is that they can be easily replaced. You can even do it yourself. 

To do this, you will need the following tools:

  • Сrowbar;
  • Sledgehammer;
  • Safety glasses.

Bury the crowbar with the sledgehammer in the gap between the tiles and try to pry up the tiles with the crowbar. This should help you pull it out. To save you time and nerves, Avanti Landscaping offers services to restore or replace paving tiles. Another advantage of this service is that everything will be done in accordance with building codes.


Interlocking pavers are a strong and durable material that can last for many years. Unfortunately, over time, oil stains can appear on paving stones, spoiling their appearance. We hope that we have answered the question of how to remove oil stain from interlock in front of your house. Let your front yard be always tidy and beautiful and your paving stones kept in good condition.

Categories: Landscaping